Monday, May 31, 2010

Responce to Arts Hub article

Thanks for your critique on Vivid Festival, it’s the reason I started the light hearted satirical stab at Vivid’s hype through Gloom Festival. Really what I was getting out besides the hypocrisy of the hype was trying to address the need for some degree of equity and the need to meaningfully engage with local artists.
However I am completely reconsidering the whole Gloom thing in light of recent events:
At least events NSW is spending $8m on arts instead of $45m on V8 super cars!
Even though Vivid is not ideal, I just realized how much worse it could be!
Gloom Sydney

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dropping Gloom

I am thinking of dropping my whole Gloom
campain against Vivid fest cause things can and are SO MUCH WORSE.Sir
Lunchalot McDonald is up to his old tricks, spending NSW dollar$ giving
to his mates and bringing such great events as V8 super cars to
Sydney.Compared to V8s, Vivid is positively brilliant. Oh the state of the
state is despicable.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Dates: 27 May - 20 June 2010

Discover our City as you’ve never thought of it, as you venture along the theatrically lit Macquarie Street and surrounding historic buildings.
Discover the sites of massacres and mayhem, of rum filled rape and defilement. From St Mary’s Cathedral and Hyde Park Barracks to Parliament House, the State Library and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, these Grandes tarts of Sydney architecture are rendered with extraordinary Darkness.

GLOOM Sydney strives to uncover the dark secrets in the shadows of history and revels in all its insidious debauchery. This on-foot nocturnal adventure starts with the horrid light spectacle at St Mary’s Cathedral. Stones of the Cathedral will appear to literally rise out of the ground as the story of “zombies defiling the Nation” unfold. Gloom exhumes the ghosts of our history and forces them to fess up, on all the dirt. Follow the dark trail along Macquarie Street with historical and contemporary themes revealed in the shadows.

Taking approximately one hour join the free public walk will be a storytelling journey using iconic Macquarie era buildings and Royal Botanic Gardens as the backdrop, on the way to Sydney Opera House and Circular Quay,
Happy Gloomers will don their breast-plates and shout out the stories of death, plague, rape and massacre.

Vivid’s Macquarie Visions celebrates the 200th anniversary of Australian visionaries Governor Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie – Gloom derides the Macquarie’s as ultimate Sydney wowsers they were and brings to light the darkness inherit in our history.

Gloom Sydney asks people to don a brass plate (as the above photo), as Macquarie asked Aboriginal leaders to do (Well the one’s he assigned as leaders), he did this so he could identify them, apparently they all looked the same. He was not content in building monuments to himself and naming them all after himself, he asked Aboriginals to bear their name embossed in brass on their breast plate, and add their own dark stories to this horrid site.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Gloom Sydney once again highlights the architectural vandalism of
Vivid’s Lighting the Sails, which features the spectacularly horrible
illumination of the Sydney Opera House sails. Not since they changed the lighting on the bridge in the 90s has an aesthetic defacing been so horrible, this is state sponsored vandalism!

Gloom Sydney will play on this willful defacement of public property and seek to publicly highlight not only aesthetic crime but the willful
waste of money this vandalism costs. Energy Australia is sponsoring
Vivid Sydney to waste enormous amounts of electricity on this venture.

After all the good will and energy saved during EARTH HOUR the NSW Govt. thought it a good idea to use all that energy. How much does this cost?
And how many Sydney artists are being kept in the DARK by lack of

Igniting the Sails- Seeks to address the thought that “Architecture can only be appreciated in a building that is burning”. While we would never invite a literal interpretation of this, we do seek visual analogies that best exemplify the above statement.

With this in mind we are calling non-permanent graffiti artists to
overlay the Opera House Projection or any Sydney building already
projected on and defaced by Vivid Sydney,
ideas could be:
Video projection, light projection, laser projection, invisible ink,